Accepting Surrender Makes You Stronger

So many of us struggle with the concept of surrender.  Admitting we are powerless over anything is a jolt to our ego.  We are taught at a young age and rewarded for being assertive and not backing down from anything or anybody.  To surrender is to give up and admit defeat.  No one likes to do that.

Socrates said that the beginning of wisdom is that I know nothing.  There is a surrender in that statement that says the only way to the goal or the higher level is to acknowledge that I really don’t have any answers.  I have to allow myself to be teachable.  I have to let go of my ego, deflate it to the point that I can at least allow other influences to guide me and stop fighting everything and everybody.

The insanity of self righteousness and justifying and rationalizing my poor decisions and position in life is beyond comprehension.  Nothing changes until I change.  by submitting to the idea that what I do know is worthless if I want to know more. Interesting concept and one that so many of us struggle with through all kinds of misery.

Learning how to surrender and let go is one of the most powerful experiences in life yet so many never do.  Why are they so closed? Especially when their life is ridden and devastated with addiction.

Jim Rohn said it best – “Some do and some don’t”. I don’t know, you don’t know, no-one knows”.

The reality is this.  If you are seeking something different, if you really, and I mean REALLY want to change then it starts with a simple conversation that you have with yourself.  That little voice you talk to all day long in your head.  That is your innermost self.  The essence of you.  Talk to that “Minnie You”. In fact you might even want to give that part of you a name so you know exactly who you are talking to.  The alter ego of you.  Usually if we are really honest with ourselves we argue a lot with Innermost ME.

Innermost Me says, “that’s probably not a good idea”, and the Super Ego Me says – “We will worry about all that later.  It’s all going to work out just fine”.

When you get to a place of clarity that Super Ego Me is full of $#!+, then you might be ready to make a change.

So how do we change, how do we become willing, how do we grow, how do we begin the path to wisdom.

We seek teachers and become open and willing to be taught.  We go to school.  Stepping into Sober Living is a solid commitment and powerful step towards that path.  Listening in meetings for that person that shares from the humble heart.  Finding a sponsor that is not going to allow you to run your game anymore.  Reading Books and listening to teachers and ideas around letting go and surrendering ourselves and what that REALLY looks like.

Here are a couple of books I have found that can help put you on the path of growth and experience of surrendering and letting go of those things that keep us from attaining our goals and building the life we want to have.

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